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Vivid Sydney Part 2 - Taronga Zoo

Have you ever imagine to come to the zoo at night?
This was my first time coming to the zoo in Australia and at night. What a nice experience! I told you earlier on my previous post that Vivid Sydney has a new spot join Vivid event which is Taronga Zoo.

Well, I didn't manage to see a real animal on this vivid session but I did have a great time at the zoo. This vivid event from 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm. The rain started to fall when I am arriving Taronga and I didnt bring umbrella hahahaha (ohh please guys make sure you check weather forecast first, don't be silly like me). I kept entering the zoo since I already bought selected date entrance ticket. Some of the installations / lanterns can move its head, mouth or foot. 



Sea Turtles



Sumatran Tiger

 Sumatran Elephant (I think it from Lampung)

Sun Bear

 Corroboree Frog

Sunda Pangolin

 Greater Bilby

 Ring-tailed lemur (King Julian, is that you?)

If you don't want to purchase entrance ticket, you can still enjoy 2 animal lanterns and watch building illumination near the entrance gate. 

When I was in Sunda Pangolin lantern, some visitors asked Zoo staff about the species like what kind of animal is Pangolin and where does it come from. He explained that Sunda Pangolin is come from Sumatra, well if you read about the event in this Zoo, they explained that they have 10 endangered animal lanterns from Australia and Sumatra but as Indonesian I knew that Sunda Pangolin is comes from Java. I really want to explain it to others but I think it was too late since he already said it to tens people in front of me. Well at least I explained to two little girls that some of the lanterns animal came from Indonesia and Sunda Pangolin come from Java but she didn't know where is it *tears*.

Do you know that you can see Sydney Harbour bridge and Sydney Opera House from this Zoo? It is really pretty at night especially in the Vivid event like this.
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